Together with MELODIC we are a part of an European open cloud computing community which has been created by H-Cloud consortium. The main goal is to strengthen collaboration to address challenges and opportunities at research, technological, policy, standardisation and organisational level to unlock the potential of cloud computing for all European stakeholders. Consortium coordinates and supports the activities of the community.
One of the core events are H-Cloud Communication Task Force Meetings. During the meeting, every participant has an opportunity to share news, events and foster collaboration between other cloud computing projects. The overall aim of the Task Force is to amplify and orchestrate the communication efforts of the European cloud computing community.
We also attend these meetings and see them very beneficial.
In the community we are presented by Katarzyna Materka (WP Leader) and Józefina Krasnodębska (Communication Manager), who are deeply involved in the common actvities.
Read more about H-Cloud here:
H-Cloud about MORPHEMIC: