Data Sciene Conference Europe is one of the largest Data & AI conferences and fastest growing Data & AI community in Europe. It is a Tech-first Data & AI Conference, that connects business, professionals & academia on one place:
Paweł Skrzypek – CEO of AI Investments and Cloud Architect in 7bulls – had a presentation entitled: “Advanced forecasting methods for Investments Portfolio Optimization” of the first complete AI investment platform. It is based on most innovative AI methods: most advanced neural networks) and reinforcement learning for risk control and position sizing using Alpha Zero approach. In the presentation the comparison of the latest achievements in machine learning for time series forecasting was presented: Transformer Networks, Dual Attention Networks, Echo state network, etc.
The AI Investments solution presented by Paweł Skrzypek uses multicloud approach with MELODIC and MORPHEMIC to optimize the machine learning models training at large scale. It also uses serverless for the optimization algorithms.