MORPHEMIC project and MELODIC solution at Cyberjutsu: Securing the Future
Alicja Reniewicz and Paweł Skrzypek from 7bulls presented a MORPHEMIC project and MELODIC solution during the session entitled: “Autonomous Multi-Cloud serverless deployment and optimized management”. The Women’s Society of Cyberjutsu (WSC) is dedicated to raising awareness of cybersecurity career opportunities and advancement for women in the field, closing the gender gap and the overall workforce gap […]
MORPHEMIC project at OW2con’ 21 → 24.06.2021, virtually
OW2 is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to developing open-source code infrastructure for middleware enterprise information systems. OW2 federates IT vendors and users, universities, and research centers from Europe, Asia, and the Americas, representing thousands of IT professionals. This is the second online conference during the pandemic period. This year is a 2-day conference with […]
MORPHEMIC project and MELODIC solution at Multi-Cloud workshop at DevOpsCon Berlin 2021
DevOpsCon is the Conference for Continuous Delivery, Microservices, Containers, Cloud & Lean Business. DevOps is fundamentally changing the IT world and leads the way to a successful business transformation. DevOpsCon will let you gain knowledge about the latest tools, technologies, and methodologies you need to build and maintain secure, scalable, and resilient software systems. Mart Różańska from […]
Multi Cloud is coming back! MORPHEMIC project and MELODIC solution together at the second webinar organised 22.06.2021 virtually: Matrix Reloaded – Multi Cloud is coming back!
Free your mind and join our second webinar: Matrix Reloaded – Multi-Cloud is coming back! Cloud is becoming a vehicle for next-generation digital business. The model of using multiple cloud services to host the business’s functions and features has a list of advantages that can provide security, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and more to increase the business’s […]
MORPHEMIC at the plenary meeting organized by WHO and UN-ITU on the topic of AI for healthcare (12th Meeting) → 19-21.05.2021, virtually
The MORPHEMIC project was presented by Ferath Kherif from CHUV – one of the MORPHEMIC use case partners-during the Plenary meeting organized by WHO and UN-ITU on the topic of AI for healthcare. Ferath had 2 presentations: One focused on data sharing and data sourcing, Second detailed the work to apply AI for disease diagnosis […]
MORPHEMIC and MELODIC together at the first webinar organised 5.05.2021 virtually: Break out of Matrix, free your mind and enter into the Multicloud World!
“Welcome to the desert of the real” Cloud is becoming a vehicle for next-generation digital business. Many I&O organizations are adapting their strategies to leverage cloud capabilities and prepare for a future of integrated solutions, leading to AI, IoT, and edge computing. “A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where […]
MORPHEMIC project with MELODIC solution at OSS 2021 → 12.05.2021, virtually
Konrad Wawruch from 7bulls had an industry talk entitled: “The Melodic project: a business story”. Melodic solution has been presented as well as its extension to MORPHEMIC on-going project. The 17th International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS) aimed at providing an international forum where a diverse community of professionals from academia, industry, and the […]
Debate about the role of cortical and subcortical brain areas in force modulation in publication ”Mapping grip force to motor networks”
Article prepared by Ferath Kherif – Head of methods group-Artificial and cognitive anatomy of the brain functions and diseases. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vadois (CHUV). A new study examining the role of cortical and subcortical brain regions in force modulation was featured on the cover of Neuroimage’s latest issue. Motor Network mapping can provide key diagnostic […]
MORPHEMIC at HIPEAC Computing System Week, Spring 2021
HiPEAC organizes four networking events per year: the HiPEAC Conference, two Computing Systems Weeks and a Summer School. During the computing System Week, major startups, SMEs and large companies presents their main research efforts. During this HIPEAC computing system week, InAccel presented in the “Future Generation Heterogeneous Computing” session the novel InAccel “Resource managers for […]
MORPHEMIC & MELODIC at DevOps Pro Europe
DevOps Pro Europe is a conference, which takes place every year. It covers the core principles and concepts of the DevOps methodology and demonstrates how to use the most common DevOps patterns to develop, deploy and maintain applications on-premises and in the cloud. The conference will be hybrid: you will be able to attend workshops […]