

An open, trusted fog computing platform facilitating the deployment, orchestration and management of scalable heterogeneous and secure IoT services and cross-Cloud Apps.

RAINBOW’s mission is to design and develop an open and trusted fog computing platform that facilitates the deployment and management of scalable, heterogeneous and secure IoT services and cross-cloud applications. RAINBOW aspires to enable fog computing to reach its true potential by providing the deployment, orchestration, network fabric and data management for scalable and secure edge applications, addressing the need to timely process the ever-increasing amount of data continuously gathered from heterogeneous IoT devices and appliances.

RAINBOW project is funded under the ICT-15-2019-2020 call. 


Horizon Cloud

HORIZON CLOUD [H-CLOUD] is a European Commission initiative that aims to consolidate and grow the Cloud Computing research and innovation community in Europe. It associates projects under Coordination & Support and Research & Innovation Actions, bringing together innovators, policy makers, cloud computing research, industry and users into an open, participatory and sustainable forum. 

The H-CLOUD Forum will strengthen collaboration to address challenges and opportunities at research, technological, policy, standardisation and organisational level to unlock the potential of cloud computing for all European stakeholders.


Reach Out

The beta-testing campaign platform for research projects. European research projects are expected to deliver results for reuse by other research projects and integration by business users. In both cases, to increase the chance of a tangible impact, research projects must deliver results that are well packaged, easy to understand and easy to use.

ReachOut project addresses these needs with a two-prong solution. First, by educating research projects on the methodology and benefits of beta testing and, second, by providing a platform with tools and functional resources to launch beta testing campaigns, recruit beta testers and collect feedback.

A beta testing campaign is a technico-marketing initiative in which, on one hand, provisional software is combined with product attributes such as proper packaging, user interface and documentation so as to make it understandable and easy to use and, on the other, beta testers are recruited and incentivized to provide feedback with the possibility of winning a prize.

Unlike conventional, usually project-centric support actions, ReachOut is market-oriented. Its aim is to generate actual connections between research projects, third-party research projects and real-life market users.


MORPHEMIC Campaigne: