D1.1 Data, Cloud Application & Resource Modelling
Authors: Kais Chaabouni, Maxime Compastié, Robert Gdowski, Kyriakos Kritikos, Andreas Tsagaropoulos, Yiannis Verginadis, Ioannis Patiniotakis
Abstract: This public deliverable explains what the enhancements were made to CAMEL and MDS and explicates why they have been performed while it also supplies both implementation details as well as a modelling example showcasing how CAMEL and MDS can be exploited to support the specification of a polymorphic use-case application. This deliverable can be studied by technical and use-case partners in Morphemic for realizing the Morphemic Preprocessor as well as specifying the corresponding use-cases.
D1.2 Modelling and Orchestrating heterogeneous Resources and Polymorphic applications for Holistic Execution and adaptation of Models In the Cloud
Authors: Maroun Koussaifi, Kyriakos Kritikos
Abstract: This deliverable report the collection and enrichment mechanisms for cloud services and application as well as software components that were realised in the first development phase of the project.
D1.3 Final Data, Cloud Application & Resource Modelling
Authors: Kyriakos Kritikos, Yiannis Verginadis, Ioannis Patiniotakis, Adeliya Latypova
Abstract: This deliverable aims to present the new requirements as well as their rationale and the enhancements made to CAMEL and the meta-data schema (MDS).
D1.4 Final Component Specification Collection & Enrichment Mechanisms
D2.1 Design of a self-healing federated event processing management system at the edge
Authors: Yiannis Verginadis, Ioannis Patiniotakis, Andreas Tsagkaropoulos, Jean-Didier Totow, Alexandros Raikos, Gregoris Mentzas
Abstract: In this deliverable it is reported the analysis of the most prominent open-source tools used for monitoring and it is described a time-series based approach for persisting such data to be used in the future for forecasting purposes. Furthermore, it is introduced the design of a configurable near real-time federated monitoring mechanism called EMS and the self-healing capabilities of this federated event processing management system that will serve as the critical basis for reactively and proactively triggering the reasoning and subsequently the reconfiguration process in the Morphemic platform.
D2.2 Implementation of a holistic application monitoring system with QoS prediction capabilities
Authors: Yiannis Verginadis, Ioannis Patiniotakis, Fotis Paraskevopoulos, Andreas Tsagkaropoulos, Dimitra Tzormpaki, Vassilis Stefanidis, Jean-Didier Totow, Pawel Skrzypek, Anna Warno, Maciek Riedl, Marta Rozanska, Imen Bizid
Abstract: This public deliverable provides the description of a holistic monitoring system, with self-healing capabilities, aiming to provide insights on the operation of multi-cloud applications, and allow the MORPHEMIC platform to proactively respond to their needs. The intention of the document is to present and discuss the details of the approach for monitoring applications as well as analyse the architecture of components involved in the monitoring and prediction processes. Consortium provides the relevant process flow of the components which are involved in the acquisition of both real-time and predicted metrics related to the QoS specification of the application.
D2.3 Proactive utility: Framework and approach
Authors: Geir Horn, Kyriakos Kritikos, Maciej Riedl, Marta Różańska, Michał Semczuk, Jean-Didier Totow, Anna Warno, Yiannis Verginadis
Abstract: This public deliverable provides an initial description of the framework for estimating the proactive utility based on the overall goals set by the DevOps and the predicted execution context. The intention of the document is to present and discuss the approaches for modelling utility functions as well as analyse the architecture of components involved in proactive adaptation and the sequence flows of the key processes, such as utility function construction and proactive optimization.
D2.4 Proactive utility: Algorithms and evaluation
D3.1 Software, tools, and repositories for code mining
Authors: Amir Taherkordi, Ciro Formisano, Geir Horn, Kyriakos Krytikos, Maria Antonietta Di Girolamo, Marta Różańska.
Abstract: This public deliverable provides a detailed description of the software and the tools for code mining that will be part of the architecture of the MORPHEMIC platform. Code mining is needed to define application profiles, to be used for better adapting the available polymorphic deployment configuration to the requirements specific of the application.
D3.2 Automatic source code identification of deployment modules
Authors: Amir Taherkordi, Ciro Formisano, Dapeng Lan, Jean-Didier Totow, Maria Antonietta Di Girolamo.
Abstract: This document provides the results of the Application Profiling activities, in particular describing how the Code Classifier supports the automatic building of the initial deployment model and its impact on the automatic building process.
D3.3 Optimized planning and adaptation approach
Authors: Marta Różańska, Geir Horn, Kyriakos Kritikos, Jean–Didier Totow, Ferath Kherif, Paweł Skrzypek, Maroun Koussaifi, Khalil Labidi, Aleksandra Skwara, Iyad Alshabani, Katarzyna Karnas
Abstract: The architecture of the polymorphic application optimisation design and adaptation planning will be presented. The integration with the workflow scheduler and the federated event system is described. The various algorithms for the solvers are discussed, and the state of the art presented for the various promising approaches will be given. The deliverable therefore forms a research programme for the releases to be produced during the last part of the project.
D3.4 Planning and adaptation results
D4.1 Architecture of pre-processor and proactive reconfiguration
Authors: Marta Różańska, Katarzyna Materka, Alicja Reniewicz, Maxime Compastié, Kyriakos Kritikos, Ciro Formisano, Yiannis Verginadis, Chris Kachris, Kaïs Chaabouni, Łukasz Szymanski, Michał Semczuk, Paweł Skrzypek
Abstract: This document provides an initial, high-level architectural overview of the MORPHEMIC software platform and its underlying frameworks. The intention of the deliverable is to present and frame the high-level architecture and sequence flows of the MORPHEMIC pre-processor. In general, this document serves as an initial point of reference for the software architecture of the MORPHEMIC platform and will provide the necessary guidelines for future work to be carried out by members of the consortium during the course of the project.
D4.2 Security design and implementation
Authors: Ciro Formisano, Daniele Pavia, Pawel Skrzypek, Ali Fahs, Ioannis Patiniotakis
Abstract: This public deliverable is focused on the design of the security system of the platform and its implementation. Security is a critical aspect in complex and heterogeneous platforms like MORPHEMIC: in such a context, the security by itself assumes complex roles definitions.
D4.3 Selection, design and implementation of integration layer
Authors: Katarzyna Materka, Michał Semczuk, Paweł Skrzypek
Abstract: The purpose of this deliverable is to evaluate different strategies for integration and adaptation (modify components of underpinning frameworks) and to select the most efficient according to the objectives of the MORPHEMIC project. The selected strategy will also be analyzed in order to highlight its main benefits and advantages.
D4.4 Test strategy
Author: Anna Wyszomirska
Abstract: This is a public report intended to be used as a guideline for performing all activities of the testing process. Specifies the test strategy and introduces the various types of testing. Explains the process of testing, how to use it within the project, the purpose of the process, and where to find more relevant information in terms of the process. Specifically, it should be used by development teams, test teams, architects, use case application users and managers.
D4.5 Test cases and testing
Authors: Anna Wyszomirska, Marcin Byra
Abstract: Testing is an essential part of every huge project created by the cooperation of many groups and people – like MORPHEMIC project. To ensure quality and reliability, it is crucial to follow all procedures of testing, prepare and execute test cases, report any issues and take care of the whole lifetime of the test case or issue. This deliverable is intended to be a set of guidelines on a lower development and architecture level, completing the Validation Framework. It contains definitions and a comprehensive description of test cases, as well as a description of the process of creating a test case, its life cycle, and guidelines for test cases’ types and priorities.
D4.6 Test report for prototype release
Authors: Jakub Pacześ, Joanna Chmielewska
Abstract: This document presents the process of testing MORPHEMIC Release 2.5. Software testing is aimed at evaluating the quality of a program and improving it by identifying any defects and potential problems further resolved by developers.
D4.7 Test report for final release
D5.1 User Interfaces Specification
Authors: Kaïs Chaabouni, Alexandros Raikos, Alicja Reniewicz, Andreas Tsagkaropoulos, Benjamin Leroy, Ferath Kherif, Maxime Compastié, Robert Gdowski, Alessandra Bagnato, Etienne Brosse
Abstract:This public deliverable provides a deeper understanding about the user interactions amidst the cross–cloud deployment and polymorphic adaptation process from providing the Cross-Cloud Model (CAMEL Model) of the application to the optimization and adaptative deployment of the application.
D5.2 User Interface Guidelines
D5.3 Deployment artefact manager
Authors: Łukasz Szymański, Ali Fahs, Maroun Koussaifi, Chris Kachris, Mohamed Khalil Labidi, Paweł Skrzypek
Abstract: This public document provides an architectural overview of the Artefact Manager component’s design and implementation for the MORPHEMIC Pre-processor software platform and its underlying frameworks. The purpose of the Artefact Manager is to manage all artefacts needed for the cloud deployment of an application and its life cycle management architecture of the Artefact Manager, and the changes needed to be adjusted or developed, will be provided in this deliverable.
D5.4 Accelerator resource manager and accelerators
D5.5 Runtime optimization mechanism
D5.6 Testbed installation and configuration
Authors: Daniele Pavia, Ciro Formisano
Abstract: This public deliverable provides a detailed description of the software and the tools used to set up MORPHEMIC’s testbed. More specifically, this document provides information what the testbed is and how it is used to deploy, test, and ultimately validate both the platform developments and the use-case applications.
D6.1 Industrial requirements analysis
Authors: Ciro Formisano, Robert Gdowski, Adeliya Latypova, Ferath Kherif, Sebastian Geller
Abstract: This deliverable defines, analyses and discusses the industrial requirements of the MORPHEMIC platform: each requirement will include also a fulfilment metric that will be the starting point of the validation framework.
D6.2 Validation framework design
Authors: Alexandros Raikos, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Jean-Didier Totow, Robert Gdowski, Sebastian Geller, Ferath Kherif
Abstract: This public deliverable provides all the necessary guidance for the MORPHEMIC project’s consortium in order to perform a complete validation procedure on the platform. The validation framework concerns the definition and a higher-level mapping of all measurable validation aspects. The following plan for validation is a collection of processes, requirements and guidelines put in place by the consortium partners, in order to ensure the reliable operation of the MORPHEMIC platform, the fulfilment of the project’s goals and compliance with regulations and standards both on a technical, as well as a business level.
D6.3 Use cases definition and preparation
Authors: Ferath Kherif, Robert Gdowski, Sebastian Geller, Ciro Formisano, Adeliya Latypova
Abstract: This public deliverable outlines the design of the use cases scenarios (5G software defined networks, brain medical imaging, and computational fluid dynamics), including their description, the scenario requirements, and targets, the infrastructures and platforms that will be utilized. In this document, different scenarios are outlined explaining how MORPHEMIC will handle each individual use case within the project: this includes both the detailed descriptions of the requirements and the required technology / offerings of MORPHEMIC.
D6.4 Use Cases prototypes
D6.5 V alidation results
D7.1 Initial Dissemination and Communication Report and Plan
Authors: Józefina Krasnodębska, Jean Didier-Totow, Katarzyna Materka, Łukasz Wojtczak, Luba Prokopets, Alessandra Bagnato
Abstract: The purpose of this public document is to present the communication and dissemination strategy for the MORPHEMIC project. The deliverable describes objectives and actions that are to be taken in order to reach the wide audience of our clients or partners. This deliverable contains a detailed schedule all the participants of the project are committed to realize. Furthermore, this deliverable is to report on all the project communication and dissemination activities, held during month 1 to 16 of the MORPHEMIC project. Moreover the document describes a mix of channels, tools and activities for reaching the MORPHEMIC target audience and objectives. This includes a combination of proven, traditional approaches (e.g., to be present at conferences and industry events) and social media presence.
D7.2 Final Dissemination and Communication Report and Plan
Authors: Elżbieta Kalbarczyk, Józefina Krasnodębska, Alessandra Bagnato, Jean-Didier Totow, Alexandros Raikos
Abstract: This document presents a report of dissemination and communication activities carried out within the MORPHEMIC project. The deliverable describes a mix of channels, tools, and activities that have been used in order to reach the project’s target audience and objectives. As assumed, our efforts to maximise the reach of MORHEMIC and its chances for exploitation included both proven, traditional approaches, such as scientific conferences and industry events, as well as a constant presence in the most popular social media.
D7.3 Training plan and activities
Authors: Alexandros Raikos, Jean-Didier Totow, Efterpi Paraskevoulakou, Dimosthenis Kyriazis
Abstract: This document presents a comprehensive plan for the MORPHEMIC training programmes in the context of the project’s outreach and outlines the training activities roadmap which will be realised during the course of the MORPHEMIC project.
D7.4 Training material
Authors: Alexandros Raikos, Jean-Didier Totow Tom-ata, Efterpi Paraskevoulakou, Marta Różańska, Kyriakos Kritikos, Andreas Tsagkaropoulos, Joanna Chmielewska
Abstract: This document presents the training materials for the MORPHEMIC training programmes in the context of the project’s outreach and outlines the training activities roadmap which will be realised during the course of the MORPHEMIC project.
D8.1 Exploitation Strategy
Authors: Alessandra Bagnato, Józefina Krasnodębska, Maxime Compastié, Yiannis Verginadis, Isabel Matranga, Geir Horn, Kyriakos Kritikos, Robert Gdowski, Chris Kachris, Sebastian Geller, Ferath Kherif, Jean-Didier Totow.
Abstract: This deliverable describes the Exploitation Strategy of the MORPHEMIC project results at the early phase of the project where industrial and research requirements have to be finalized for the MORPHEMIC technologies and provide a picture of the knowledge within the consortium at the end of July 2020.
D8.2 Initial IPR and Exploitation Plan
Authors: Isabel Matranga, Alessandra Bagnato, Pawel Skrzypek, Jean-Didier Totow, Lazaros Iliadis, Maroun Koussaifi, Kostas Tsikouris, Robert Gdowski, Kherif Ferah, Chris Kachris, Kyriakos Kritikos, Geir Horn, Yiannis Verginadis.
Abstract: This deliverable provides the status on the activities related to the identification of a sustainability plan for the results of the MORPHEMIC project in compliance with preliminary results of the IPR management activities. The document looks into the preliminary Business Model for MORPHEMIC and the first results of the activities performed for its identification (competitor analysis, SWOT analysis, customer analysis etc.). The document also provides information on the single exploitable assets being produced by the project and the first version of the exploitation strategies of each project partner. The deliverable is complemented with the IPR registry, which is continuously kept up to date by project partners.
D8.3 Final IPR and Exploitation Plan
D8.4 Initial Project Website and Advertising Materials
Authors: Józefina Krasnodębska, Anna Kraciuk, Łukasz Wojtczak, Katarzyna Materka
Abstract: This is a public report states on information and activities related to the MORPHEMIC project’s initial web presence. Includes the creation of the MORPHEMIC website, the LinkedIn showcase page, the Twitter activities, as well as the Facebook page and related activities. The document briefly describes the methodology used for web presence creation with justification for its selection.
D8.5 Final Project Website and Advertising Materials
Authors: Elżbieta Kalbarczyk, Józefina Krasnodębska
Abstract: This document contains a comprehensive report on the project web presence strategy as a part of the promotion and dissemination planned and executed during the MORPHEMIC project. The deliverable describes in detail the channels, tools, and activities that were carried out to let the consortium reach the target audience for the project outcome – the MORPHEMIC platform.
D8.6 Report on related standardization initiatives
D9.1 Data management plan
Authors: Alexandros Raikos, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Jean-Didier Totow, Christina Souvatzi, Chris Kachris, Aleksandra Skwara, Ferath Kherif, Robert Gdowski, Sebastian Geller
Abstract: The purpose of this public deliverable is to present a plan for the management, collection, generation, storage, protection, sharing and preservation of data related to all MORPHEMIC activities and to clarify the project’s data management policy in agreement with the MORPHEMIC consortium.
D9.2 PPR1: Project Periodic Report (M1-M18)
Authors: Geir Horn, Paweł Skrzypek Alessandra Bagnato, Alexandros Raikos, Efterpi Paraskevoulakou, Jean-Didier Totow, Jozefina Krasnodebska, Aleksandra Skwara, Ali Fahs, Ciro Formisano, Kyriakos Kritikos, Yiannis Verginadis, Marta Różańska, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Katarzyna Materka
Abstract: This deliverable provides the status of the MORPHEMIC project in the first 18 months of the project progress – what has been designed, produced, and documented. Apart of the technical modelling and applications formulated and implemented, an extensive publicity and awareness campaign has been designed and is currently ongoing, and several industrial talks and demonstrations have been undertaken.
D9.3 PPR2: Project Periodic Report (M19-M36)
D9.4 Final Report